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If you live in Indonesia

We hope that with Buana Syiar, the Infaq / Alms technology in Islam can have a real impact. More and more people are fond of giving charity because it is a form of love and obedience to Allah SWT.

Non Material Support

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Facebook : BuanaSyiar
Youtube : BuanaSyiar
Twitter : BuanaSyiar
Pinterest : BuanaSyiar

Become a Contributor

You can register for an account at syiar.id and participate in sending data on Mosques around your residence or those you meet on your trip.

Material Support

Can scan the Qris of the Buana Syiar Indonesia Foundation (scan from all applications that support QRIS scanning such as Gopay, Ovo, BSI Mobile, Link Aja and others)

QRIS Of Yayasan Buana Syiar Indonesia

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or Transfer to:

Bank Syariah Indonesia (transfer code: 451)

No. Account : 7183908008

On behalf of : Yayasan Buana Syiar Indonesia


If you live outside Indonesia

You can access Benevity (corporate CSR) .